I am growing peppers on the porch. Maybe like me right now you are enjoying some vegetables from your garden or farmer’s markets. They are always more fun but you have to chop them. Really it does not take hours to chop us some vegetables. However when I am rushed for time (like having only one hour at home to eat between classes) chopping vegetables seems like a daunting task. For those weeks when I have less time to cook, I often go for some store bought pre-chopped veggies. Pictured below is an eight vegetable mix. I use them in a stir fry, salad or omelet.
Another way to get more vegetables is to always have some frozen vegetables on hand. If frozen very soon after picking, they can have more nutrients than fresh vegetables in a super market. “Scientists from Leatherhead Food Research and University of Chester, carried out 40 tests to measure nutrient levels in produce that had been sitting in a fridge for three days, compared to frozen equivalents. They found more beneficial nutrients overall in the frozen samples, in everything from broccoli to blueberries. ”
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