Things that Mean a Lot to Me

Last month I wrote about downsizing and our attachment to tthings. I found a journal from when I was 16 years old. I wrote it for a class. Our first assignment was things that mean a lot to me. I was amazed at how little has changed. It is kind of like a gratitude list.

Perhaps this fall you will be inspired to make a similar list. Think back to when you were younger. What things meant a lot to you and what has changed?

Here is my list with explanations and updates in parenthesis.

  1. my family
  2. God
  3. Brian (first long term boyfriend thought I was madly in love with him)
  4. relaxing with friends
  5. the freshness of spring
  6. a fire in the fireplace
  7. lying in the grass in the shade of a tree in summer
  8. running as hard and fast as you can for no reason at all
  9. walking to church on a sunny Sunday in June
  10. listening to the lake hit against the shore
  11. melting snow on a warm winter day
  12. getting a present for no reason at all
  13. the first flower in spring
  14. watching little kids walk home from school
  15. the smell of fresh baked cookies in a warm kitchen
  16. walking away from 6th hour (would change to being done with work after a long day, I do love everywhere I work but have some long days)
  17. friends that care
  18. learning new things
  19. hugging someone
  20. no homework (no HOUSEwork)
  21. lying down to sleep when you are really tired
  22. football games in the street
  23. camping (Glamping now – maybe an SUV tent or an RV?)
  24. looking at the moon
  25. hockey games
  26. horseback riding (only one taking off the list, too many friends had accidents over the years so changing to social dancing)
  27. a sunny warm fall day
  28. laughing until you cry
  29. driving (adding in light traffic)
  30. Christmas decorations
  31. a good record (changing to a good itunes playlist)
  32. a good concert
  33. Sleeping until 2 in the afternoon (this one shocked me but I was a teenager…. so make that sleeping to about 7 am now)
  34. giving gifts
  35. your cat falling asleep in your lap
  36. making angels in the snow
  37. jumping in a pile of leaves
  38. a good movie
  39. last day of school (last day of work before a vacation)
  40. first day of vacation
  41. parties
  42. playing kick the can (anyone up for a game? I miss this!).