
Rather than set resolutions I choose a word for the year and for 2022 the word is open. I feel I spend a lot of time in the bay when there is a whole ocean to explore. To me being open represents looking at things with a beginners mind, trying new things and making postiive changes as a result. My most dominant personality type on Strength Finders is context, people who related to the past and it our way to make sense of the present. It is even more difficult for us to try new things than most people. Reflecting on the first four months of the year, I’m looking at ways I’ve been more open and ways to continue.

I work as a Fitness Specialist for Melrose Eating Disorder Clinic. I’ve been open to changing from a casual on-call employee to part-time. Also we have many changes at work due to the changing patient population to a younger demographic and new programs. With the pandemic our producedures change weekly so I’m working on being open to that change. I took on teaching Meditative Movements (TM) in a memory care facility. Created by Ellie Peterson Meditative Movements combines simple movements with the breath and your voice. The therapeutic movements are adaptable to anyone’s physical ability and are about 3-5 minutes long. This innovative mind-body-being movement program incorporates western science with modern day philosophies and ancient wisdom.

In my recreational time many of the new things I’ve wanted to try have been delayed by the pandemic. I’ve taken online classes from the Celtic Junction. A new organization to me. I’ve loved every one. I’m working on being open to being more spontaneous. One of my other strength finders is planner. As many of us I drive the same way to work every day shop at the same stores maybe buy the same items over and over. I just let go of my instatcart. I did use that to shop online at some new stores and try new items. Some road construction is forcing me to find a new drive to work. I’m doing less planning of social activites every month and it feel great to have more “open” time. Do you still make resolutions? Let me know if you have ever chosen a word for the year.