
Many options exist for volunteering.  If you feel like you don’t have time to make it a weekly or monthly commitment some options are for one time help.  Many charities and events need volunteers and some roles are for very good causes.  I am a team captain for Race for the Cure a yearly event.  As a volunteer I taught yoga for the first time at the National Eating Disorder Association walk last Sunday see picture below.  I have taught Meditative Movements for cancer survivors at Glida’s club.  My cooking club has made meals for Children’s Crisis Nursery.  I have sold merchandise, checked in other volunteers and stuffed race packets for the Loppet.  I’ve had many, many other fun  and fulfilling volunteer gigs over the years.NEDA

Why volunteer?  You can back give to causes you believe in.  You can honor a loved one who has passed away from earth.  You can meet new people who have similar interests.  You can attend events for free, in addition to charities I have ushered at plays and got to see awesome concerts.  You can use skills you don’t get to use in your current job.  You can learn new skills from organizations that offer training to volunteers.  You can increase your flexibility.  Some organizations might ask you to commit to whatever role they need and they and you won’t know until the last minute.  In some roles you can even get exercise.

Here is my advice for volunteering.  If you are not flexible find out what the position entails. One of my few unhappy experiences was handing water to elite athletes in a race.  They each had their own labelled bottle and if handed incorrectly I could have hurt their time and even lost them a close race!  Too much pressure for this kid.  If you are a planner like me, make sure the event is well organized and roles are clear.  Choose a cause you are passionate about.  Treat it like a job be on time and let people know if something comes up and you can’t make it.  If you can choose a role that fits your personality.  If you don’t like talking to strangers don’t volunteer to be the greeter at an event.  I don’t volunteer for outside positions at the Loppet anymore.  One year of four hours in -20 temps was enough for me.  If you are uncomfortable volunteering alone enlist some friends to sign up too.

If you want to read more here is an article from a source I like called help guide click here.